Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch
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Polly is another part of the Paulo-Bro collection at Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch. Like the others, she has a pedigree of depth and quality. We have already sold embryos to Wisconsin from this cow and have included her in our IVF program. We are hopeful her impact in Pixley, CA will be impressive and long lasting.


1-10 2x 305d 15710 4.7%  742 3.7%  580
3-00 3x 305d 20380 5.0% 1009 3.8% 767
4-00 2x 305d 23640 4.9% 1161 3.8% 901
5-01 2x 305d 22150 4.9% 1089 3.7% 826

Extended Pedigree:
Dam: Paulo-Bro Topeka Poly 1766 EX-91
2-10 2x 305d 15020 5.0%  757 3.6% 544
2nd Dam: Paulo-Bro Sultan Polly 897 EX-90
7-00 3x 305d 24980 4.7%  1169 3.5%  878
3rd Dam: Paulo-Bro PMT Polly VG-85
5-02 2x 305d 21820 4.8%  1046 3.8% 830
4th Dam: Hames Best Two Polly EX-90
3-04 2x 305d 21000 4.6%   975 3.8% 807
5th Dam: Hames Best Alfs Pride EX-90
7-08 2x 296d 15890 6.4%  1019 4.6% 733
6th Dam: Hames Best Drexler Phoebe VG-88
3-03 2x 305d 16780 4.8%  810 3.8% 636
7th Dam: Hames Best Lesters Peggy VG-87
4-02 2x 305d 19840 4.5%  893 3.6% 716
8th Dam: Hames Best Top Peg VG-85
5-00 2x 305d 19640 4.3%  841 3.7% 733


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Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch
Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch
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